Waves and tales

INTRO TEXT- can be skipped, change colour of the background, modify text colour as appropriate

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sollicitudin erat ut nisl consequat consequat. Mauris interdum gravida consectetur.

The Fish who Wanted to Dance with the Stars

Pesho dreams of dancing with the stars in the beautiful night sky.

But no one believes that the stars will dance with a fish like Pesho. At first, the little fish feels worried and uncertain. But when Pesho’s mom reminds him that anything is possible, he realizes he shouldn’t give up on his dream.

Will Pesho get to dance with the stars after all?


Editorial Reviews

Der Fisch, der mit den Sternen tanzen wollte
German version

El pez que quería bailar con las estrellas
Spanish version

A Halacska, aki a csillagokkal akart táncolni
Hungarian version

The Fish and the Underwater Bird

A beautifully illustrated picture book that encourages children to find their answers and be patient.

Seaya is a proud collector of pebbles, shells, and corals, but she isn’t expecting this mystery treasure. Calling on the other fish in the ocean, Seaya searches for answers.

What ticking, tocking treasure has Seaya really discovered?

The fish and the underwater bird
English version

Der Fisch und der Unterwasservogel
German version

The Fish and his Puffy Temper

Join Puffy, a hot-tempered fish, and his loyal friend Seassy on a journey of self-discovery and friendship.

Guided by a patient shark, mentored by a playful seahorse, and comforted by a serene crab, Puffy learns invaluable lessons on controlling his fiery emotions.

Will he succeed in mastering his temper?
Dive into this heartwarming tale to find out!

Help Your Child Manage Anger with Puffy the Fish

Does your child struggle with controlling their anger or frustration? The Fish and His Puffy Temper is a fun and interactive picture book designed for children aged 3-7. Join Puffy the hot-tempered fish as he learns essential skills to calm down, with the guidance of sea creatures who help him along the way.

  • Immediate Tools for Managing Anger: This story offers simple, practical strategies to help children understand and regulate their emotions, perfect for parents, carers, and educators.
  • Building Emotional Awareness: Through Puffy’s journey, they learn that it’s okay to feel angry, but important to handle those feelings with patience and understanding.
  • Proven Techniques for Calming Down: Engaging characters like Seassy the fish, a wise shark, and a playful seahorse offer tools for managing big emotions through relaxation and deep-breathing exercises.
  • Interactive and Fun: Vibrant illustrations and relatable activities make this book an enjoyable experience for young readers, turning tough emotions into something approachable.
  • Evidence-Based Strategies: The book incorporates child-friendly emotional regulation techniques to help build resilience and foster self-control, ensuring children can handle challenges confidently.


Give Your Child the Tools to Manage Anger!

Order The Fish and His Puffy Temper today and help your kids develop essential skills for controlling their emotions and building better relationships. With Puffy’s journey, they’ll learn how to handle frustration in fun, practical ways. 

Perfect for kids aged 3-7, this book is a must-have resource for parents and caregivers.

Book 4

Subtitle - highligthed text -> vertical picture, water background
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Format the text as you like, you can use bulleted or numbered lists, bold, etc. Split the text with enter to avoid too long paragraphs.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sollicitudin erat ut nisl consequat consequat. Mauris interdum gravida consectetur. 

Proin auctor mattis erat, nec egestas nisi ullamcorper quis. Nam suscipit mollis libero non efficitur. Fusce at magna eget risus dapibus consectetur. Vestibulum condimentum et nulla quis ultrices. Aliquam quam nunc, aliquam at tincidunt eget, commodo ut augue. In sit amet imperdiet lorem. In ullamcorper dapibus pretium. Morbi porttitor cursus volutpat. Integer in convallis nisl, a consequat odio. 

Recommended text lenght (with titles): 700-900 characters with spaces