A warm book filled with gorgeous artwork.

Reviewed by Jordan Ehmann from Indies Today
Have you ever had a dream? A dream so grand, so fantastical that you could think of nothing else? Pesho has a dream just like that. A little fish in a big sea, Pesho dreams about the twinkling stars swimming in the vast night sky. And he doesn’t want to simply see the stars, he wants to dance with them! With a solid plan in hand and a heart brimming with passion, Pesho makes his way toward the glittering starry skies existing above his watery home. But something gets in his way. “I want to dance with the stars, but everyone says I can’t. They say stars won’t want to dance with me and I won’t make it to the surface.” Poor Pesho! For a while, he lets worries about the unknown dampen his spirit of adventure. With tenderness and love, his sweet mother gives Pesho the encouragement he needs to pursue his dream. She doesn’t promise that everything will go right the first time, but instead urges Pesho to be bold, be open to the experience, and see what happens. After all, there is a whole lot of world waiting to be discovered if we’ve brave enough to try!
The Fish who Wanted to Dance With the Stars by Barbara Pinke is one of the most adorable, tug-at-your-heartstrings books available for little readers today. A story about finding your courage and trying new things is one everyone can relate to, no matter our age or circumstances. Since Pesho is a fish and his tale takes place under the sea, there is an innate sense of grace and wonder flowing from every page, but the heartwarming story is what will keep kids coming back for more adventures. The lovely illustrations are able to wholly capture the bubbling excitement and eager anticipation Pesho feels as he dreams of a world unlike anything he has seen before. Another stroke of genius is the generous and deliberate use of shimmering light and cool tones, dancing within each scene and reflecting like mirrors in the characters’ brilliant eyes. In addition to the charming story and its wholesome message, the author has thoughtfully included a playful maze to get children even more involved. Sure to touch the hearts of children and adults alike, The Fish who Wanted to Dance With the Stars is a warm book filled with gorgeous artwork, a positive message, and characters that will inspire young hearts and minds.
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